Email Marketing Services

Reach Your Target Audience Directly With the Right Content

Why Email Marketing Is Important

The importance of email marketing in digital brand success cannot be emphasized enough. Online email marketing is one of the best marketing methods for earning business leads and delivering a high return on investment (ROI).

According to research, approximately 61 percent of email subscribers would like to receive promotional marketing emails every week and about 83 percent of customers spend more on a brand from which they’ve received web email marketing communications. Marketers also reported receiving an impressive 3,800 percent ROI or $38 for every dollar invested in an email marketing campaign.

Evidently, online email marketing presents an incredible opportunity to reach targeted customers and generate revenue growth. If you haven’t started your email marketing planning, now’s the time to consult with an email marketing specialist and sketch out how to move your business forward.

Step-up your eCommerce business with our eCommerce email marketing services and robust automation

Email Marketing Performance Audit and Strategy

As trends emerge and go, your email marketing strategy must adapt. Our email marketing company performs B2C and B2B email marketing audits to determine factors that influence your marketing success and pinpoint issues that disrupt your email marketing strategy.

Campaign and Template Review

Our email marketing experts review your email templates and campaigns from the past 12 months to get a clear picture of your email marketing performance and engagement. We look into your email design, subject line and calls-to-action to identify problems and inefficiencies.

Technical Review

To ensure your email newsletters and other marketing emails hit the right inboxes, our email marketing specialist reviews all technical issues with your current setup. These include your spam complaints, deliverability issues and potential domain and IP blacklisting.

Data Review

Studies show 25-33% of email addresses become outdated every year. To ensure you’re working with updated email lists, we set a benchmark for email metrics, review your top- and lowest-performing campaigns and analyze unsubscribes and subscriber demographics.

Program Review

This includes a review of your existing email automation, audience segmentation, email list health (growth/shrinkage) and a comprehensive email marketing strategy review. The goal is to determine the best possible way to improve your marketing results.


After completing our audit, our email marketing specialists compile and present recommendations for code and design, content and CTA. We also provide proposals on the frequency of emails sent, send day and times, automation and potential for A/B testing.

Email Marketing Services

Email Marketing Services FAQ's

Email Marketing is a digital marketing strategy where businesses send emails to a targeted audience to promote their products or services, build relationships with customers, or generate leads. It's a cost-effective method for reaching customers directly in their inbox.

Email Marketing Services offer several benefits, including:

  • Automation of email campaigns, saving time and resources.
  • Segmentation options to target specific audiences based on demographics or behaviors.
  • Detailed analytics to track email performance and user engagement.
  • Compliance with email regulations such as GDPR and CAN-SPAM.
  • Integration with other marketing tools for a cohesive strategy.
    Personalization capabilities to tailor emails for individual recipients.

Email Marketing Services can increase sales by nurturing leads, driving traffic to your website or landing pages, and encouraging repeat purchases. By sending targeted and relevant emails, businesses can engage with their audience at different stages of the customer journey, leading to higher conversion rates and increased revenue.

  • Promotional emails announcing sales, discounts, or new products.
  • Transactional emails such as order confirmations and shipping notifications.
  • Newsletters with updates, tips, or industry news.
  • Welcome emails for new subscribers or customers.
  • Abandoned cart emails to recover lost sales.
  • Re-engagement emails to win back inactive subscribers.

Email Marketing Services employ several strategies to ensure high deliverability rates, including:

  • Maintaining a good sender reputation by following best practices and avoiding spammy tactics.
  • Using authentication methods like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to verify sender identity.
  • Monitoring and optimizing email deliverability metrics.
  • Providing tools for list management and email list hygiene to remove inactive or invalid addresses.
  • Complying with email regulations and respecting subscribers' preferences.

When selecting an Email Marketing Service, consider factors such as:

  • Ease of use and user interface.
  • Features and capabilities that align with your business goals.
  • Cost and pricing structure, including any additional fees.
  • Integration options with other software or platforms.
  • Customer support availability and quality.