Technical SEO

Create a Strong Digital Foundation and Rank High on Search Results

What is Technical SEO and Why is it Important?

Technical SEO is the process of ensuring your website is compatible with search engine guidelines so that it can be crawled and indexed without any problems. The main goal of a technical SEO audit is to assess your website’s current SEO and determine which aspects you need to improve for a seamless online experience.

Over the years, user demands have dramatically changed and search engines have become more sophisticated. According to Statista, there are now approximately 3.5 billion smartphone users across the globe. This massive surge in smartphone usage has prompted Google to launch an algorithm update that places more importance on site speed and mobile experience in ranking web pages.

Today, websites with a poor structure, slow page load time and wonky redirects can be penalized by Google. Without proper intervention, these technical SEO issues may result in a steep drop in search rankings and organic traffic. Given that the top organic search results receive nearly 35 percent of clicks, a decline in ranking could be detrimental for your business.

Create Actionable SEO Strategies for A Winning Online Campaign

Technical SEO Audit

We perform a comprehensive SEO technical audit to identify and fix your website’s technical SEO issues. The audit covers vital checkpoints, including mobile performance, internal link structure, page speed, XML sitemap, indexation, crawl errors, robots.txt and site architecture.

Competitor Analysis

Get a complete overview of your competition’s optimization tactics and determine your conversion opportunities. Our technical SEO team evaluates competition’s keyword performance, search engine rankings, social media presence, technical and backlink profile.

Meta Data Analysis

Improve your online visibility and gain more traffic with meta tags that effectively describe your page content to web visitors and search engines. We do technical SEO which involves analyzing and optimizing your meta data, title tags, meta keywords and alt attributes.

Image Optimization

Large images slow down your site performance and drive away page visitors. Reduce your site load time and attract more customers, our specialists choose the right file format, optimize your alt attributes, reduce the file size of your images, utilize image sitemaps.

Speed Optimization

Our technical SEO specialists enable file compression to reduce the size of your CSS, JavaSCript and HTML files. We also optimize your code, reduce redirects, leverage browser caching, utilize content distribution networks (CDNs) and improve server response time.

Structured Data Markup

Make it easier for search engines to crawl and display your content using schema markup. We highlight your page elements, assign data tags, create the HTML and add the schema markup. Our team utilizes Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to test and diagnose any issues.

Technical SEO Services

Technical SEO FAQ's

Technical SEO involves optimizing the technical aspects of a website to improve its search engine visibility and ensure it can be crawled and indexed efficiently by search engine bots. It focuses on factors like site speed, mobile-friendliness, structured data, and crawlability. It's important because it helps search engines understand and rank your site effectively, leading to better organic traffic and visibility.

Site speed is a crucial ranking factor for search engines because it directly affects user experience. Slow-loading websites tend to have higher bounce rates and lower engagement, which can negatively impact rankings. To improve site speed, optimize images, enable browser caching, minify CSS and JavaScript files, use a Content Delivery Network (CDN), and consider upgrading your hosting provider.

Mobile-friendliness is vital for SEO because of Google's mobile-first indexing, which means Google predominantly uses the mobile version of the content for indexing and ranking. If your site isn't mobile-friendly, it may not rank as well in mobile search results, leading to a loss in organic traffic. To ensure mobile-friendliness, use responsive design, optimize viewport settings, and prioritize mobile user experience.

Structured data/schema markup provides search engines with context about the content on your website, helping them understand its meaning and relevance. This can lead to rich snippets in search results, such as star ratings, event dates, and product prices, which can improve click-through rates and visibility. Implement structured data using vocabulary to enhance SEO and provide a better user experience.

Common crawlability and indexing issues include duplicate content, URL parameters, broken links, improper use of directives in robots.txt, and canonicalization errors. These issues can prevent search engines from properly crawling and indexing your site's pages, resulting in decreased visibility in search results. Regularly audit your site for these issues and use tools like Google Search Console to identify and fix them.

Migrating to HTTPS (secure HTTP) can positively impact SEO by providing a secure connection for users and potentially boosting rankings as Google considers HTTPS as a ranking signal. The migration process involves obtaining an SSL certificate, updating internal links and resources to HTTPS, implementing 301 redirects from HTTP to HTTPS, updating canonical tags, and updating sitemaps and robots.txt files. It's crucial to follow best practices and monitor for any issues post-migration to ensure a smooth transition and maintain SEO performance.